Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome Back!

We are so happy to see you all return, and would like to extend a welcome to our new sixth grade group! We hope you had a wonderful summer and that you got a chance to read some good books. Our Prairie Picks blog will again be devoted to highlighting good books and sharing some tech tips. Please join in our discussion!

Let's begin our year by sharing a book you read over the summer that you would recommend to a friend. Please add a comment that provides a short summary of the book and describes what you liked about it.

Mrs. Stec and Mrs. Woods


Mrs. Stec said...

One book I really enjoyed reading this summer was The Green Glass Sea by Ellen Klages. This book is set during the 1940s when the government was keeping the invention of the atomic bomb a secret. Dewey Kerrigan, the main character, is sent to live with her father who is working on this top secret project. I enjoy reading historical fiction and thought the events of this book were intriguing. I especially liked reading about the effects of the bomb when the scientists tested it in the desert.

Shanay P. said...

The book I am reading right noe is Wolf Brotheri,I am liking it becausethere is a lot of action so far like just noew he was in a fight for his life and it was very smart of him because it was either fight or die. Hopefully he wins the fight and he gets to live.

Anonymous said...

I just recently finished 'The Keeper of the Night'. I liked some parts of the book, but I wouldn't reccomend it to someone who loves thrill and action. It has a problem to the story, but it really never gets resolved, something else does. You'll have to read it to find out 4 out 5 stars!

Anonymous said...

The book I am reading right now is Marley & Me, I really like it because i love books that make me laugh-even cry. So far Marley has been very funny and crazy, Patrick- the baby has been born, Jenny is at the hospital for 12 day or more already- expecting the baby at 21 weeks and John has saved someon's life! I hope this book will have more laughter and more exciting experiences!

Mr. K said...

I was a huge fan of The Lightning Thief. Its use of mythology and adventure captured me and wouldn't let me go. It forced me to go to the book store and buy the 3 sequels! I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves history, adventure, and action.

mars@blog said...

Over the summer I read THe Twilight Saga and it was really good Stepanie Meyer is a great author and I cannot wait for another book to come out. I would all the books 5 stars. the books are Twilight ,New Moon, Eclispe, and Breaking Dawn. They arae coming out with a new book Morning Sun or is it Midnight sun. They are also making a movie.

ishaan j said...

One book I read last year, was Hugo Cabriet. This book is about a boy named Hugo who's father died in a fire and before the fire. Hugo's father found a mechanical man called an automaton. It was broken and then Hugo fixed it but he was missing one piece that was a key that fits in the automaton's back. Hugo then meets and old toy seller and his daughter, and the daughter helps Hugo find the key that fixes the automaton and figures out the history of the old toy seller's life.

Anonymous said...

over the summer i read a book called "Call Me Hope" i really liked the book it is a little bit sad. Hope is the main character and her mom is not nice to her she goes through a lot of things and she gets yelled at a lot by her mom. He is is 5th grade and 6th grade in the book. i would recommend this to anyone who like a good story, but it gets sort of sad at times i give it 4 stars out of 5

Anonymous said...

I am currently reading the book THE DARK IS RISING I am about halfway through it and I am loving it. Thanks MS. Kenny for letting me borrow it! from Trent

Anonymous said...

I am reading swindle it is a great book to read. I am not done yet but it's really good so far. the book is by Gordon Korman. it's about this boy that found a real Babe Ruth card and he gave it to a store owner for $100 when it was really $1,000,000.

Anonymous said...

I i finished reading the book Shug. It was really great book. Its just really about anniemarie not wanting to change and everyone else is changing except here.

Anonymous said...

I just finished Elephant Run. It is a really good book. I would highly recommend it. It is about a boy name Nick Freestone that comes to Burma from England because the Nazis are bombing them so his mother sends him to live with his dad in Burma. But the tragic strikes and his dad is a prisoner of war. So he is out trying to rescue his dad. Maybe his dad will live?

Anonymous said...

i read project mullberry its a great book!
posted by:jordyn b.

Anonymous said...

I read M.V.P. by Douglas Evans over the summer. I thought it was a great adventurous story. If you are wondering what M.V.P. stands for it is Magellan Voyage Project. The main character is Adam Story, and one day he is waiting outside after school and a weirdly dressed man, wearing a black and white robe and turban. He asked Adam if instead of going to 40 days of camp over the summer, if he wanted to be a part of the Magellan Voyage Project, (and without his mom knowing). Which the man told Adam that if he became part of this mission starting the first day of camp, he would try to get around the world in 40 days without the use of any flying objects. If he succeeded, he would be the fastest 12 year old to go around the world, with a prize of 4 million dollars waiting for him. If you think he can make around the world then read the book to find out!

Anonymous said...

I am reading Cracker. It is about a dog who goes to Vietnam! It is a really good book! I think all dog lovers would love this!

Anonymous said...

I am almost finished reading letters from wolfie and it is a good book but I do not recomend it to people who don't like sad books because this book is a sad book.

Anonymous said...

Greg S said I finshed reading Hugo Cabret. I thought that the book was great because who ever knew there was a person who lived in the walls of the train station and wound up all the clocks in train station. I would really like to read that book again. I really liked to, read Elephant Run

Ariana said...

I love the book Shug! It is a great story of young crushes and trying to be who you aren't. If you read it you will find out what a girl went to just to impress her crush/bff!

Calvin G said...

A really good book to read is HOMEWORK MACHINE By Dan Gutman. It was about some kids that invented a homework machine named BELCH. When they discovered it worked, they tried to keep it a secret but the word quickly spread and then kids starting lining up at their doorstep. Then they had a plan. HOMEWORK MACHINE, a hilarious book highly suggest it!

Justin K said...

A really good kind of short book I read was called Dany And The Champion Of The World. It was about this kid named Danny. He lives in a old caravan with his dad. One day when he wakes up in the middle of the night he finds out that his dad was missing. He goes outside and hears his dad comeing back. He found out he was poaching at hazel wood. On a other day he askes if he could go poaching with his dad. So they went poaching together.

Anonymous said...

The book I really enjoyed was MVP. It was very interesting, exciting and you couldn't stop reading it. This book was about a boy named Adam who was going to summer camp for the summer. And one day after school he met Prince Oh and he dicided to travel the world but only in 40 days. You should read this book if you like adventure. You all should read this book MVP.

Anonymous said...

The book I was reading was the Darkside By: Tom Becker! It was the best book ever! But only if you are in to horror books. It is about this kid who goes to the Darkside and is in danger.

Anonymous said...

i have currantly read the book Gathering Blue. it was about a girl named kira whose mother died from sickness and now has to live on her own.kira is great at sewing so she ends up staying in a large building with 2 other kids with talents just like her. one is a great carver and the other is a good singer. kira is wondering why she is getting special treatment.

Anonymous said...

Last year I read a book that is titled Rules. Rules was about a girl called Katherine, and her brother had to go to an occupational theripist. One day she met a boy ouldn't talk so he had to use a book that had cards in it with words on them. So one day Katherine drew a picture of the boy, and the boy wnated it. SO she gave it to him. Then later she started ,making cards for him that had mean sayings on it so later on in the story she asks him if he would come to the dance with her, and he said yes, but later on he got mad, and did something at the end. I would recomend this to people who like sad, and happy stories. - Summer U

Anonymous said...

I read a book that i thought that was awsome it was MY FAITH By Kurt Jhonson. It is a kristain book it taulks about really cool t like how to pray in cool ways or how to read the bible. it is really fun. i think it is a better way to get in touch with god there are just so many cool ways to read the bible their are diffrenet series to!It is so cool i could not get my eyes off of it when i started to read it and i couldint get myeyes off of it.So i recomend reading his book. I give this book a 5 star out of five stars

Anonymous said...

I just fnished the invention of Hugo Cabret. The book was aweosome and I really liked it because of the illistrations and the whole story itself was great too.

By:Kayla W.

Anonymous said...

Over the summer I finished the book Shug. I liked the fact that the main character was going trough a lot of the things I am as a pre-teen, and I could totally relate to her. I also liked the fact that everything in the book wasn't predictable, and I was totally shocked with what happened in the end! I give this book 5 stars, and TOTALLY reccomend it for growing girls! = ]

Anonymous said...

I read a great book. Its called A Boy At War. Its about a 12 year old Boy that lives in Oahu, Hawaii. He knows a lot about the ships and planes in Pearl Harbor because his dad is a sailor there. One day he went fishing with his friends,Thomas and Davi.They went by Pearl Harbor and saw planes filling the skies but they weren't American planes! Read,A Boy At War and it will give you 10 times the more action then a regular book.

Anonymous said...

A book i have read over the summer is "Point Blank" I loved it because it had a ton of action. I love that. It's about a teenage spy investigating a school in the alps. Because millionare kids are going there because they have been acting bad. But they come back totally changed. Read the rest to find out what happens.

Anonymous said...

I really like this book, The Lightning Theif the sequals are The Sea of Monsters, The Titians Curse, and The Battle of the Labrinth. It's about Percy Jackson a boy who is half god half person and he has to go through difficult tasks. And if you like thrilling edge-of-your-seat books will like these books!

Anonymous said...

I am reading the book "Letter's from Wolfie". It is a really good book. I am at the part where they just sent Wolfie away to the camp. It is really good. If I was Mark I would be really lonely if my brother went away and so did my dog. I would also be freaking out because both of them could get killed any second. It is good. I think that either Mark's brother or Wolfie will get injured or killed in the story. This book already is a 5 star and Im not even done.

Anonymous said...

a book that i read that i liked this summer was red kyack it was really good ....for once i liked a book!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I recently read Letter From Wolfie. In this book Marks dog Wolfie goes in the army to save soliders. Mark deicides he wants Wolfie back but he might not get Wolfie back because he is part equipment. He does protest to see if he can get him back. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever read Thounder from the Sea. I love that book it is very great. Its sad and mysterious. What I like about this book Is that tom protects Thunder a lot.Even do tom does not like Bert he stills lets Bert visit Thunder. If you get to read this book you will love It.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed Once Upon a Marigold. I've read it a million times! It's a fantasy about Christian who was raised by a troll and spies on the plainest princess. Marigold is a crazy reader! It is really funny and cool and my favorite. Read Once Upon a Marigold!

Anonymous said...

i love the book hugo cabra it was a really good book i read it in 5th grade it may look like a lot of reading but most of it is pitures

Anonymous said...

Another one of my favorite books is called Alabama Moon! It is so good because it is about this guy named Moon!Moon and his father have to live in the forest and something really interesting happens. I dont want to give it away so you will have to read it to find out what interesting things happen.