Have you ever daydreamed about becoming a writer one day? Are you searching for a way to start? Read Ralph Fletcher's book, A Writer's Notebook: Unlocking the Writer Within You, for a simple suggestion on how to get your creative juices flowing. Something as simple as keeping a writer's notebook, a place to jot down things you wonder about, snatches of dialogue you overhear, memories from when you were young or thoughts about other writing you read may be just the springboard you need to writing your own pieces. Mr. Fletcher offers practical advice and backs up his suggestions with student writings as well as famous author's tips on how they use a writing notebook. Although Mr. Fletcher states that authors use just bits of ideas written in their notebooks, I was left with the feeling that keeping a writer's notebook is a very fulfilling personal experience. You are creating something that contains important "stuff" to you. Whether it is a drawing, photo, article, artifact, list, poem, saying or quote, all contents reflect you. How can you beat that?
This sounds like a very good book. I especially like the idea of keeping a writer's notebook. I'm going to suggest that to my kids.
I agree. Sounds like this book has some great suggestions and ideas for organizing your ideas.
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